This info was located on I don't have access to the details of

the wills, but this was found at the following URL if someone is interested in

the Tripp/e family of Maryland during the 1600-1700's. Some descendants went

to NC and SC.


Dale in MO




Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1


Test:Henry Tripp, Robt. Day, Thos. Purnell. 1. 227.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1


To daus. Hester and Katharine and Nicholas Tripp, personalty. Execx.wife Hester.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 2


Trippe, Henry,Dorchester Co.,



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4


Test: Jno. Trippe, Charles Harrison, Humphrey Hubart. 14. 60.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


Trippe, Henry, gentleman,Dorchester Co.,



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


To son Henry and hrs., lands had of father Henry Trippe; 2 tracts (bou.of Mary Barrott, the hr. of Chas. Bye) at hd. of Secretary Sewell's Ck.; pt. of "Bath" and pt. of "Addition to Bath" (for conditions see will).



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


To bros. John, Edwd. and William, cousins John, William, Jane and Henrietta (child. of Wm.Trippe), personalty.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


Note: Henry Trippe, ex. afsd., a minor and under care of his mother.18, 214.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


Test: Nehemiah Lecompte, Clare Lecompte, Elizabeth Trippe, Anne Mackuller. 18, 323.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 5


Test: Wm. Ennalls, Henry Trippe, Hugh Clinton.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6


Test: John Hodson, Edward Trippe, William Dohaney. 20, 107.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 6


To Henry Trippe, "Tripps Horse Range" and personalty, to discharge a bond to Shadreck Feddeman; shd. bond not be recovered, sd. lands to wife Elizabeth and hrs.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


Henry Trippe, of Dorchester Co., having bought of testator the plantation and land on Black water R., whereon father –– lived, being pt. of two tracts "Anchor" and "Hope,"

bou. by sd. father of Robert Dicks and John Creek, sd. plantation is hereby bequeathed to sd. Henry Trippe, who is also named ex. and residuary legatee.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


Test: Jacob Hindman, Edward Trippe, George Twigge.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


To cousins Margaret Cavenough and Margrett Trippe, personalty.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


To cousin Barniby Angell, ex., and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal, sd. Barniby dying without issue, the land is bequeathed to cousin Margret Cavenough and hrs., and personal estate to two cousins, Francis Trippe and Margrett Brian.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


Test: John Trippe, Peter Edmondson, Francis Allen.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


To Winifred Trippe, extx., life interest in dwelling plantation "Brusey Neck." At her death to pass to cousin Elizabeth Carmitchell and hrs.



Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 8


To Winifred Trippe and hrs., entire personal estate.
